3218. Minimum Cost for Cutting Cake I



3218. Minimum Cost for Cutting Cake I
SAMSUNG 49-Inch Odyssey G9
SAMSUNG 49-Inch Odyssey G9
Because earth is not flat


To minimize the total cost, consider making cuts starting from the most expensive ones, ensuring that each new piece is minimized in cost before making further cuts. This approach ensures that the most expensive cuts are made first, thereby potentially reducing the overall cost.


  1. Sort and Process Cuts: Start by sorting both hCut and vCut arrays in descending order to prioritize higher cost cuts first.

  2. Simulate Cutting Process: Initialize variables to track current positions (i1 for horizontal and i2 for vertical) and the accumulated cost (totalCost). Iterate through both arrays, making cuts and updating positions until all cuts are made.

  3. Calculate Total Cost: Accumulate the cost for each cut made based on the current position indices and the cost arrays.

  4. Return Result: Once all cuts are simulated, return the totalCost which represents the minimum total cost to cut the entire cake into 1 x 1 pieces.




class Solution {
    int minimumCost(int m, int n, vector<int>& hCut, vector<int>& vCut) {
        sort(hCut.begin(), hCut.end(), greater<int>());
        sort(vCut.begin(), vCut.end(), greater<int>());

        int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
        int res = 0;

        while (i1 < m - 1 && i2 < n - 1) {
            if (hCut[i1] > vCut[i2]) res += hCut[i1++] * (i2 + 1);
            else res += vCut[i2++] * (i1 + 1);

        while (i1 < m - 1) res += hCut[i1++] * (i2 + 1);
        while (i2 < n - 1) res += vCut[i2++] * (i1 + 1);

        return res;


class Solution:
    def minimumCost(self, m: int, n: int, hCut: List[int], vCut: List[int]) -> int:

        i1, i2 = 0, 0
        res = 0

        while i1 < m - 1 and i2 < n - 1:
            if hCut[i1] > vCut[i2]:
                res += hCut[i1] * (i2 + 1)
                i1 += 1
                res += vCut[i2] * (i1 + 1)
                i2 += 1

        while i1 < m - 1:
            res += hCut[i1] * (i2 + 1)
            i1 += 1

        while i2 < n - 1:
            res += vCut[i2] * (i1 + 1)
            i2 += 1

        return res


class Solution {
    public int minimumCost(int m, int n, int[] hCut, int[] vCut) {

        int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
        int res = 0;

        while (i1 < m - 1 && i2 < n - 1) {
            if (hCut[i1] > vCut[i2]) res += (long) hCut[i1++] * (i2 + 1);
            else res += (long) vCut[i2++] * (i1 + 1);

        while (i1 < m - 1) res += hCut[i1++] * (i2 + 1);
        while (i2 < n - 1) res += vCut[i2++] * (i1 + 1);

        return res;


var minimumCost = function (m, n, hCut, vCut) {
  hCut.sort((a, b) => b - a);
  vCut.sort((a, b) => b - a);

  var i1 = 0;
  var i2 = 0;
  var res = 0;

  while (i1 < m - 1 && i2 < n - 1) {
    if (hCut[i1] > vCut[i2]) res += hCut[i1++] * (i2 + 1);
    else res += vCut[i2++] * (i1 + 1);
  while (i1 < m - 1) res += hCut[i1++] * (i2 + 1);
  while (i2 < n - 1) res += vCut[i2++] * (i1 + 1);

  return res;